Improve Autodesk Software & Technology Adoption

A proven approach to software implementation can increase end user adoption and maximize your return on investment. This includes integrating software solutions into your existing operations and optimizing end-to-end design processes.

There are many factors that contribute to a failed software implementation, including improper planning, incomplete process mapping, and non-adherence by end users. To address these issues, IMAGINiT uses a proven implementation methodology called TakeAIM.

By using repeatable processes that are critical to success, TakeAIM mitigates failure risks and ensures accurate project deadlines, predictable workloads, accurate budgets, adequate user training, and high adoption rates.

IMAGINiT offers a variety of implementation services based on TakeAIM that can improve technology adoption across industries and use cases:



Reality Capture


Improve Adoption

Improve Adoption

Work with IMAGINiT for a seamless implementation of your software. 

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